BHS Parents:
If you are needing to pick up your student from Borger High School during the day, you must come into the high school main office and fill out the student release form. You may send an email to have a student released to Rubi Haines at or send a note with your student that states what time you want student released. Emails and notes to release a student will be verified by a phone call before students are released.
Welcome to the BHS Main Office page. We welcome you to BHS but please remember that all visitors must sign in at the Main Office. To report absences please call 273-1029 and then push 2. Give your name, the student's name, and the reason for the absence. On the first day back to school please send a note with the student to bring to our office.
Melisa Rodriguez - Principal's Secretary email
Rubi Haines - Attendance Clerk email
Krystal Carmona - Receptionist email